
Gemini male and capricorn female
Gemini male and capricorn female

gemini male and capricorn female

This can create a bond of yearning between them, which can be both purifying and strengthening. And she will, initially at least, respect his wisdom – a different matter altogether from her own quick intellect and cleverness. But he will find sufficient cause for admiration in studying the amazing way her mind works – untangling knots with the greatest of ease, arriving at solutions to intricate problems effortlessly. She has an apparent lack of attachment in her engagement with Life. Gemini’s occasional frenetic activity may seem frivolous to Cappy. Yet, even with all her charm, she will have difficulty turning the Goat back on, once he’s been turned off.

gemini male and capricorn female

It is always open for new argument, fresh points of view. The subject is closed.” No subject is ever completely closed to the Gemini girl. Once Capricorn has decided a subject is not worth discussing, that’s it. Finally, his apprehension turns to severity – and then he turns off. None of these things she says and does make sense to him, from a logical, practical standpoint. After a while, excitement turns to apprehension.

gemini male and capricorn female

The responses such a mercurial attitude evoke in the Goat are multiple and consecutive. Her own mind is busy probing, dissecting, searching, calculating and wandering on the wind, all at once, which can cause two worlds to fuse as one – the “real” world and the world of imagination, of possibilities. To her way of looking at things, his error is in seeing the material world as reality – and imagination as a separate, amusing pastime. Newton’s law of “For every action, there is a reaction” is obvious to him. No matter how brief or long a time these two remain together, the Capricorn man will never be able to figure out why the Gemini girl cannot see clearly what to him is very plain: the consequences of word and action, which are, inevitably, either reward or punishment.

Gemini male and capricorn female