
Github pages branch
Github pages branch

github pages branch

The publish command does the optimize followed by the git stuff all in one. It takes a couple of minutes for the whole process to complete and your site to be available online. Start by creating an empty GitHub repository Deploying on GitHub Creating a repo on GitHub

github pages branch

Your site should now be live, with the index page appearing at. (The minify = false argument is optional but is currently recommended.)Ĭopy the contents of the _site directory to the target location using your chosen method (for example, using rsync). Prepare the _site directory by running optimize(prepath="/path/to/my/franklin/site/", minify=false).įranklin.jl does not use relative links, so this step is needed to ensure that the links between site elements are correct. Supposing you wish your site to appear at. The contents of the _site folder can simply be deployed to a path on an existing server as follows. Under the hood, it's just a workflow step that fires a curl command to the website is trivial on an existing web server, via GitHub or Gitlab, or on services like Netlify. Finally, i'm using my hosting service's "auto deployment" ability, which is just a web hook they provided that triggers a copy files from GitHub to the hosting service's own storage. Next, create a third output branch, I called it domain. Set the trigger event to pushes from master.

  • For production, clone the above workflow.
  • Remember to set your index.html's basehref to match your repo name. That workflow's output deploying to branch gh-pages, following the GitHub Pages convention.
  • For testing, setting a GitHub Action workflow triggered by a push to branch dev.
  • As a convention, the GitHub page domain is my "testing" stage, and the hosted domain is my "production" stage.
  • I don't like this approach, but I think it's a matter of preference rather than performance \ maintainability. My answer only applies since you said you're using a separate DNS AND have your own hosting service (I'm using Hostinger).ĪFAIK, Without using external DNS the only way to maintain multiple environments (dev, staing, etc.) is to keep separate repos, and maybe naming them with env name suffixes. Here's a diagram if that helps you understand the setup. After I'm done testing in Staging, then I'll pull Main:dev into Main:master. When I want to test the feature in Staging, I go to Staging and pull in the latest version of the Main:dev branch. Development work is done in feature branches that branch off of dev and are merged back into dev.

    Github pages branch code#

    I use a dev branch in Main to hold the new code and features. GitHub Pages builds the site using the master branch in Main. Staging is set as a remote for Main, and Staging is an exact copy of Main (besides configs, CNAME, staging-specific features, etc.).

    github pages branch

    Here's my setup using Main and Staging repo names. Since I have a custom domain, the main repo is set to and staging repo is set to. GitHub Pages settings allows for separate DNS settings.

    github pages branch

    So there's 2 GitHub repos: a main and a staging repo. Separate repos is a simpler solution since it maintains the mental model that development and staging are different environments. Keeping a separate branch with separate staging configs, staging CNAME and DNS files, and staging-specific features is a hassle within the same repo. Instead of doing staging in a separate branch, I do it in a separate GitHub repo.

    Github pages branch